The best free demos from the Steam Autumn Festival

3 years 6 months ago

A screenshot from a cutscene in Undungeon, showing a close up of the protagonist Void, who sort of looks like a bird skull wrapped in a black cloak, as they are hurtling through a blue portal.A screenshot from Mind Scanners showing one of the treatment machines in use. A hand is inside a box on screen and is hooked up to several wires.A screenshot of a dogfight in Fabular: Once Upon A Spacetime. A small spaceship that looks a bit like a beetle is attacking a mine with a pair of axes. Around it, small circular planetoids covered in mushrooms are floating about.A screenshot of a business negotiation happening in Coffee Noir. A young woman stands in front of shelves of cakes. She is saying 'Hello. Thanks, the décor was my father's work. He was very careful to create a friendly atmosphere. Please, don't call me miss...'

Steam returns with actual hundreds of free demos for its Autumn Festival. I am but one woman, so I could never get through them all, but I have played what I would characterise as a lot over the past two days. My own personal labour of Hercules was undertaken so that I could bring you, the reader, a list of my favourite demos to provide, if not an exhaustive list, then at least a jumping off point.

I’ve got something for all of yez, gentle pals. Puzzle games? RPGs? Action? Strategy? Why yes, even that. I’ve got an EDM murder rave, dressing up in pre-revolutionary Paris, ripping up legal documents as a cute turnip, and rodents you should live in fear of. So many games! Your favourite is sure to be among them.


Alice Bell