Art strategy game Inkulinati gets 1.0 launch in February, still an illuminated manuscript full of warring animals

2 months 3 weeks ago

Not to denigrate either the efforts of either the comms or dev teams, but when a game has been knocking around my consciousness for a while, eventually I just move it it from a mental box marked "in development" to "probably out now, innit" without any input from anyone else. Inkulinati, a turn-based strategy game where you play a medieval artist duking it out with another artist on the pages of an illuminated manuscript, is one such. It's been kicking about on Steam since at least 2019, and in fairness to me it did launch in January last year - it just went into early access. These factors contributed to me being sort of surprised at the reveal of the actual release date for 1.0, which is February 22nd.

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Alice Bell