Want a trailer? What you actually need is a dating sim

1 year 1 month ago

We sat down with marketing and production experts Psyop, and spoke to founder Todd Mueller and VP of Games Mick Morris, to discuss why there is simply no point in glossy trailers if there aren’t any true hooks for community engagement.

Alongside your work in the cinematics space, you’re famous for more in-depth and unique marketing executions. Can you give us a few examples?

Mick Morris: Certainly! We have made hundreds of trailers and films over the past 22 years at Psyop but in 2019, something weird and wonderful was born. We created I Love you Colonel Sanders for Weiden + Kennedy and KFC. This Finger Licken' Good Dating Sim was incredibly well received by the fans who recognised the love we poured into the writing, the music and the art. The free to play game has had over 800,000 downloads on Steam and has overwhelmingly positive reviews. Three years later it is still being played and streamed and has a huge fanbase.

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