Fine-tuning Tunic's marketing message

1 year 6 months ago

Tunic was announced to the world with a splash at Microsoft's E3 2018 press conference. And while it gave the game an enviably high profile right off the bat, it also set expectations and created some challenges for the game's publisher, Finji.

In a presentation at Megamigs last week, Finji co-founder and CEO Bekah Saltsman went into detail about how the publisher spent the last 19 months up to the game's release trying to manage expectations and communicate to prospective customers just what sort of experience they were in for.

"Tunic an isometric action adventure where you play a tiny fox in a big world and explore the wilderness, fight monsters, and discover secrets," Saltsman said, encapsulating the basic pitch of the game. "And that's all we ever told you, you're welcome. And all of those are true statements about the game. However, people filled in all the stuff we didn't say about Tunic with their own ideas, and as the internet is wont to do, not entirely based on anything we said."

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Brendan Sinclair