Exploring Finland's proposed loot box regulation

1 year 4 months ago

In September, member of the Finnish Parliament Sebastian Tynkkynen proposed a bill to regulate loot boxes as a form of gambling in Finland.

To understand what the bill could mean for the Finnish games industry, we speak to Dr Joseph Macey, an academic researching the relationship between consumption of digital games and participation in emergent gambling activities, Topias Mattinen, a PhD student whose research is focused on digital gambling, loot boxes and the gamblification of digital games, as well as Tynkkynen himself.

Sebastian Tynkkynen is a Finnish MP and member of the Perussuomalaiset Party or 'Finns Party'. He is a right-wing populist figure in Finnish politics who has been convicted and fined for "ethnic agitation" three times for comments about Muslims.

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Hannah Heilbuth