Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom's Link's Awakening armour is nightmare fuel

1 year ago

The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom lets you dress Link in a whole wardrobe of costumes and armour - but none so unsettling as his Link's Awakening outfit.

The blank, unblinking eyes, the polished sheen of his mask's surface - it all leads to Link looking like a serial killer. (And considering what some of you are doing to those poor Koroks, perhaps this isn't too far off.)

This is, of course, Link's design from the recent Nintendo Switch remake of classic Game Boy adventure The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening. Except there, it was part of the game's cute toy diarama aesthetic. In Tears of the Kingdom, Link's longer body and glassy-eyed expression give off a very different vibe.

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Tom Phillips
