We're back! And we're past the grimmest month of the year. That's right, it's time for lovely, sunny, er, February! Thankfully, there's an absolute bucketload of interesting games to see you through it.
For the unfamiliar, What To Play This Month is our recurring series where we gather up the best games of the month gone by, and the ones we're most interested in from the month ahead. We missed January, instead pulling together a whopping great 65 games we're excited for in all of 2024 - and I am going to say that was a completely intentional decision, and absolutely not because I was too busy to get January's out in time alongside it. Anyway, here's What To Play This February!
We're sneaking in a few gems from December 2023 here too, since they didn't get their time to shine last month - and also because if you're anything like us, you might've struggled to find time to play them between hectic family holiday visits anyway. Do give them a look.