Watch the PlayStation Showcase with us tonight, right here, from 9pm

1 year 1 month ago

It's sort of summertime which means it's sort of press conference time which means Sony's doing a PlayStation Showcase tonight, and you can watch it right here with us from 9pm UK time. That's 10pm CEST or 1pm PDT / 4pm EDT.

The show will be an hour long, apparently, and I'll be live reporting everything going on while chatting with you in the comments, because I have four hands.

So what can we expect? Well, Final Fantasy 16 will no doubt feature highly, what with it being a timed exclusive for PlaySation 5 and all, and with it being due next month. Will we get a demo date, perhaps? I'd also expect a solid look at Insomniac's new Spider-Man 2 game, due this autumn, which we still haven't seen a great deal of.

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Robert Purchese
