Valve asks Steam Deck owners to not smell vent fumes

5 months ago

Valve has asked Steam Deck owners to stop sniffing the fumes which come out of the handheld's vents.

Smelling the fumes has become something of a meme on the Steam Deck subreddit, for apparently smelling quite nice. If you search "smell" over there, you'll find a whole range of posts from people discovering the vents smell "bloody delightful", asking how to return their Steam Deck once the fan stopped smelling, and pleas for Valve to release a Steam Deck cologne or scented candle.

If Valve wasn't aware of this habit before, it definitely is now thanks to Metapod100 on Reddit, who shared a screenshot of a reply they received from Steam Support. Their support ticket? "Is it safe to inhale the exhaust fumes from the top of the Steam Deck Vent?"

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Liv Ngan
