Ubisoft details Assassin's Creed Black Flag webtoon sequel, Shao Jun books, Netflix projects

3 years ago

There's no big new Assassin's Creed game this year - instead, Valhalla instead lives on through expansions set in Ireland and France - but that doesn't mean Ubisoft's biggest franchise is taking a breather. Quite the opposite, in fact.

For fans, 2021 will see the series' broadest collection yet of books, manga, webtoons and audios arrive from a wide range of creative partners across the world, expanding the franchise further via characters old and new. And beyond that? Well, there's under-wraps plans at Netflix for an animated series and live-action show, too.

This week, Ubisoft will detail eight projects to be published this year - more on all those below - and a new system of categorising future stories published under the Assassin's Creed umbrella; Classics are direct adaptations of video games, Chronicles feature new stories with returning Assassins, while Originals offer all-new protagonists and time periods.

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