The Stanley Parable: Ultra Deluxe finally gets a release date - and of course it's 427

2 years 1 month ago

Stanley Parable: Ultra Deluxe - the remake of the remake of everybody's favourite comedic rumination on video game agency - finally has a release date and will, after a number of not-insignificant delays, be heading to PlayStation, Xbox, Switch, and PC on 27th April.

Stanley Parable's Ultra Deluxe edition was first announced back in 2018, with developers Galactic Cafe and Crows Crows Crows (the respective studios of original Stanley Parable creator Davey Wreden and William Pugh, who co-designed the 2013 remake of the 2011 original) aiming to launch the following year. 2020 bought a second delay, and a hat-trick was achieved in 2021 - leaving many to ponder if the whole thing mightn't actually be some sort of mega-meta ruse and that the game didn't, and would never, exist.

Happy days are now here, however, with Galactic Cafe and Crows Crows Crows having finally given the Ultra Deluxe edition a 27th April release date - 4/27, of course, being the number on Stanley's near-iconic office door. And if that's not appropriately self-referential enough for you, the announcement is accompanied by a recreation of the Stanley Parable's 2013 trailer - only this time the player goes left.

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Matt Wales
