RimWorld's new Biotech expansion adds babies, mechanoids, and gene modding

1 year 7 months ago

RimWorld, the acclaimed sci-fi colony sim from Ludeon Studios, is getting a third paid expansion, titled Biotech - which'll be bringing babies, mechanoids, and gene modding when it launches later this month alongside a free content update for all players.

Biotech's first big additions come in the form of children and reproduction, with colonists and outsiders able to get pregnant and give birth - either naturally or via technological means.

Once babies grow into children, they can learn through lessons, play, or by watching adults work, with players able to determine their traits and passions every few years. Children given more attention and better education are more likely to become happy and talented adult colonists - but players can alternatively skip the nuturing and use growth vats to pump out soldiers and cheap workers to exploit.

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Matt Wales
