"Return to Monkey Island may not be the art style you wanted but it's the art style I wanted," says Ron Gilbert

1 year 11 months ago

Ron Gilbert has responded to fans unhappy with Return to Monkey Island's art style, stating "Return to Monkey Island may not be the art style you wanted or were expecting but it's the art style I wanted".

In a candid blog post, Gilbert said the game had "a team of incredible artists, animators, sound designers, programmers, and testers all pouring their souls into this game and it’s beautiful to see, play, and listen to".

As Victoria so perfectly summarised for us earlier this week, the Monkey Island series has taken on a new look as well as a new creative team in its third outing, The Curse of Monkey Island. However, this new art style was not simply because of the change in management behind the game's development but because of the tools being used behind the scenes, and not all fans are happy with the new look.

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Vikki Blake
