Remnant 2 has a secret class its developer deliberately hid for dataminers to find

9 months 2 weeks ago

Remnant 2 is doing alright for itself; not only has the Souls-esque procedural shooter secured some extremely positive reviews, it's also selling well too. And amid all the general positivity surrounding its release, there's a bit of fun additional news, courtesy of a whole new secret class that developer Gunfire Games squirrelled away for dataminers to find.

The class (or Archetype, as Remnant 2 would have it) in question is known as the Archon, and requires players to go through an extremely convoluted set of steps to unlock, ranging from activating skills on specific Archetypes at certain levels to equipping a whole lot of gear before hefting the everything over to a very particular place.

The requirements, then, are not the kind of thing anyone is really ever likely to stumble across by accident, with Gunfire Games instead having designed the Archon class to be something that could only realistically be uncovered by dataminers.

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Matt Wales
