Ninja Theory says no more content updates for online brawler Bleeding Edge

3 years 5 months ago

It's been just under a year since Hellblade developer Ninja Theory released its team-based multiplayer effort Bleeding Edge, but already the studio is calling time on development, announcing there'll no more content updates as of today.

Released last March on Xbox One and PC, Bleeding Edge was pitched as raucous blend of third-person melee action and class-based 4v4 multiplayer, and it successfully laid a solid, if rather bare-bones, foundation at launch. As Eurogamer's Wesley Yin-Poole put it in his review, "The combat is just about good enough to get away with it for now, but without some meaningful updates I'll probably lose interest sooner rather than later."

Those updates did come, but only sporadically, with Bleeding Edge's last major addition arriving in the form of new character Azrael last July. A quick glance at SteamCharts shows concurrents tumbling since then, with player counts barely squeaking above 30 in the last few months. If that trend is reflected elsewhere, it's understandable why Ninja Theory would opt to pull the plug on further content updates.

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