A night with Pokémon Sleep, the app that gamifies your slumber and listens to you snore

9 months 3 weeks ago

What's your morning phone routine? After your alarm sounds but before you get out of bed, do you scroll through your mobile? Half asleep, I clear notifications, read BBC News, do the Wordle. This week, that changed - I checked in with Snorlax first instead.

Pokémon Sleep is the franchise's big play to dominate the one part of my life previously free from Pokémon gaming - the six to eight hours a night I'm typically asleep. The app tracks sleep quality and offers rewards each morning - and yes, it also gives you another Pokémon thing to check in on during the day.

If you've tried a sleep-tracking app on your phone before, Pokémon Sleep likely works in a similar method. You lay your device next to you in bed - with the app open and the phone unlocked - and it detects your night-time noise and movement. (Pokémon Sleep asks you not to put your phone directly under your pillow in order to avoid it overheating.)

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Tom Phillips
