Netflix's animated Dragon Age series gets a December release date

1 year 6 months ago

Dragon Age: Absolution, Netflix's latest stab at adapting a beloved video games series for the small screen, has a release date, with the six-part animated series airing from 9th December.

Announced back in June, Dragon Age: Absolution takes place in Tevinter - the setting for developer BioWare's highly anticipated next video game instalment, Dragon Age Dreadwolf - and stars a cast of fresh faces, including protagonist Miriam.

"With great power at stake, a group of mages, fighters, and thieves goes head to head against a sinister force possessing a dangerous artifact," Netflix teases beneath its newly released Absolution trailer. "Fear. Guilt. Pain. Can Miriam push aside her feelings to complete her mission - or will the trauma looming over her past finally catch up with her?".

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Matt Wales
