Microsoft reinstates direct Twitter sharing feature on Xbox consoles in latest Insider beta

2 years 1 month ago

Microsoft has reinstated the ability for Xbox users to share game screenshots and videos directly to Twitter in response to feedback it received after removing the feature from console dashboards in an Xbox Insider build earlier this month.

While the direct Twitter sharing feature never got the chop in the live build of the Xbox dashboard - meaning the impact of its removal was limited - there were certainly grumbles from Insider testers after they were forced to grapple with more cumbersome methods of image and video sharing, requiring them to first upload clips to their phones, following the changes made in Microsoft's previous Insider build.

Now, however, in response Insider feedback, direct Twitter sharing has returned in Microsoft's last Beta Ring build. "Thanks for your feedback on the Twitter share feature change we flighted in 2204," Xbox Insider program lead Brad Rosetti wrote in a tweet. "That change is being reverted to the previous behaviour from today in this new build".

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Matt Wales
