At last night's State of Play, Vertigo Games and Deep Silver lifted the lid on Metro Awakening, an upcoming origin story for the Metro series.
The game is described as a story-driven adventure, built exclusively for VR. It promises plenty of stealth and a good dash of combat, with the developer stating this will be the "most immersive" Metro experience to date.
You will play as Serdar in Metro Awakening. Serdar is "a doctor and a rationalist" in search of medication for his wife. This search will take players to the tunnels beneath Moscow, but it won't be an easy trip. You see, the tunnels are full of mutants. "As your courage and sanity are pushed to the limit you must learn to walk the line between life and death, the spirit and the material world, and awaken the being you will become..." the official blurb teases. You can see Metro Awakening's announcement trailer below.