Metal Gear Solid 3 remake reportedly real and getting a multi-platform release

1 year 1 month ago

The long-rumoured Metal Gear Solid 3 remake is real and getting a multi-platform release on Xbox, PlayStation, and PC according to a new report by Windows Central.

A Metal Gear Solid 3 remake was first rumoured in October 2021, when it was claimed Virtuos, a studio primarily known for its porting work, had been handed the development reins by Konami. The project has popped up intermittently since then, albeit never officially confirmed, and now Windows Central's Jez Corden says he's been able to "hard-confirm" it's real.

Corden also lends credence to a recent report by Insider Gaming, which claimed the remake would be a multi-platform release, contrary to speculation Sony might have snaffled it up as a PlayStation exclusive. According to Corden, the remake will indeed be coming to Xbox and PC alongside PlayStation, "despite a marketing deal".

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Matt Wales
