It's that magical Game Catch-up time of year!

6 months 1 week ago

One of my most bittersweet gaming memories is pretty recent - at most it was a couple of years ago. It was the day after we all knocked off work and I pulled the sofa round in front of the TV and played a game that I wasn't reviewing, or writing about, or checking up on to decide about coverage for. It was that Ubisoft Battle Royale. My memory is terrible and I just had to look up the name. It was Hyper Scape.

I had wanted to play it all year - that was the key fact here. I was and am a big fan of Battle Royale games, not for the shooting or competition so much as that if you land in a quiet part of the map you just get to pootle around and explore by yourself. It's a bit like being home from university unexpectedly and walking around town while the rest of your old friends are still away.

Hyper Scape was perfect for this. I'd had my eye on it because it looked expansive and stylish, with a kind of pseudo-white-box style to the architecture. It also had that mysterious Ubisoft Machine behind it. Who really made this? And was it really intended to be a Battle Royale, or was it off-cuts from something else, some other mega project? I remember in one part of the map I found an incredibly detailed Gothic cathedral. This was made specifically for Hyper Scape? Really? I'd still love to know the story of that map.

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Christian Donlan
