How Eidos-Montréal's accessibility department works to make games for everyone

2 years 5 months ago

When Shadow of the Tomb Raider released in 2018, it was at the forefront of many aspects of accessibility, showcasing how to do subtitles right and offering an in-depth variety of gameplay options. The studio's latest release, this year's Guardians of the Galaxy, once again offers a lot of options specific to the game, and so I took the opportunity to talk to Améliane F. Chiasson, Eidos-Montréal's accessibility lead. (She works with a colleague, Rodrigo Sanchez.)

In the gaming industry, accessibility lead, or chief accessibility officer, is still a fairly new job title. Accessibility officers work in different ways to make a company's products, and ultimately the company itself, more accessible. Chiasson's appointment, she tells me, is fairly recent, as the department has only existed since 2020. For Eidos-Montréal, it was a way to formalise a job Chiasson had been doing for years, when she was still working in QA and user research.

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Malindy Hetfeld
