A Highland Song studio Inkle releases free art adventure The Forever Labyrinth

3 months ago

Inkle, the studio behind the acclaimed likes of Heaven's Vault and last year's A Highland Song, has just surprise-released The Forever Labyrinth, a free browser-based narrative adventure spanning the entire history of art from across the world.

The Forever Labyrinth, which has been made in partnership with the Google Arts & Culture initiative, transports players to an ever-shifting maze of rooms - resembling everything from serene gardens to clifftops, forests, and cellars - as they search for their friend Professor Sheldrake, who's lost amid its mysterious interlinking passageways.

These passageways take the form of paintings and art - "drawn from the collections of great museums who are keen to share their treasures in new and exciting ways online", as the press release puts it - scattered around each room. By collecting clues and identifying elements present within the artwork, players can learn to navigate the labyrinth and hopefully find their friend - if the monster ceaselessly devouring the world doesn't get them first.

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Matt Wales
