Get away with murder in Inkle's surprise new game Overboard!

2 years 11 months ago

Inkle, the developer of nuanced, writerly games like 80 Days, Heaven's Vault and Pendragon, has not only surprise-announced a new game, but released it. The game is Overboard! and as I've been finding out this week, it's a lot of fun to play.

It's a murder mystery but in reverse. You, in other words, are the murderer. You are Veronica Villensey, a fading starlet in the 1930s, and you're sailing from England to New York with your husband in search of a new life. Money has deserted you back home. But the thing is, you don't particularly like your husband, so you do the only reasonable thing and sling him overboard. Splosh! This is how the game begins.

How it unfolds from there, though, is up to you. You have roughly eight hours until the boat pulls into New York harbour in which to cover your tracks, stop people talking, and get away with murder.

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