Dangerous Driving dev's Wreckreation is an open-world racer with a DIY focus

1 year 9 months ago

UK developer Three Fields Entertainment - the studio behind the likes of Dangerous Golf and Dangerous Driving - has unveiled Wreckreation, a new custom-content-focused open-world racer coming to PC, PlayStation, and Xbox next year.

Three Fields - a studio founded by a small group of ex-Criterion developers - describes Wreckreation as a game of high-speed racing, crashing, stunts, and exploration, all of which unfolds across a 400-square-mile map. That map is designed to represent an entire (fictitious) American state split into four areas, albeit one predominantly themed around woodland, grassland, and sandy beaches.

As to how players approach the challenges within Wreckreation's world, the idea is that it's entirely up to them, with Three Fields saying it wants to encourage a more freeform style of fun as players explore the world in search of races, short cuts, and challenges.

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Matt Wales
