Cyberpunk 2077 is a mess on PS4 and Xbox One - and the memes have already begun

3 years 5 months ago

Cyberpunk 2077 launched at midnight last night, and now the console versions are out in the wild we're getting our first proper look at the game running on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. Early impressions are, unfortunately, not great.

I've been playing the PS4 version of CD Projekt's sci-fi epic and can report poor performance, including low framerate and texture pop-in when the screen is busy. Even when it's not, there is on occasion a low-res blur to the visuals. And I've encountered multiple characters locked in a T-pose, frozen in place or glitched into an object. You can still talk to these NPCs, but their mouths do not move.

I've had a chat with Digital Foundry's Tom Morgan, who provided me with some screenshots of Cyberpunk 2077 running on a base PS4 alongside some analysis:

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