The Callisto Protocol: Xbox Series versions have issues - and PC is almost unplayable

1 year 5 months ago

We already covered the PS5 version of The Callisto Protocol in our tech review, but some major issues in the PC and Xbox versions of the game's pre-release code meant that we want to cover these platforms separately.

Let's start with PC, where DF crew member Alex Battaglia has been testing the game for the past few days. Sadly, there's no good news here - the game is a disastrous state as of launch. First up, this is yet another Unreal Engine 4 title that doesn't precompile its shaders, meaning that the first appearance of new models and effects is accompanied by a hefty stutter that can bring even a high-end Core i9 12900K and RTX 4090 rig to its knees - with even longer hitches on weaker systems. What'a happening here is that shader code is compiled as it's needed, resulting in continual freeze-frame hitching every time you encounter a new effect that requires a new shader.

Shader compilation stutter is a massive problem with this game, ruining the sense of immersive dread the game is trying to create, and is only solved by playing through the whole game so that your second playthrough is stutter free - where's your Shader Butler when you need them? This issue could be solved by having the game precompile shaders on first boot, and even though this would delay the action and require redoing each time the game or GPU drivers are updated, it would at least ensure a smooth experience once in-game.

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John Linneman
