Bioware pulls dead FemShep statue from merch store

11 months ago

BioWare has removed a bizarre statue of Mass Effect's dying Commander Shepard from its online store, following fan confusion and upset.

The statue appeared on the BioWare Gear Store yesterday, and features (yes, you guessed it) the dead female body of Commander Shepard floating around in space as seen in the opening to Mass Effect 2. The statue was priced at $135 and its store page stated only 2000 would be available worldwide.

Needless to say, a statue suddenly being sold that depicts a dying character is a bit odd to begin with. The posing of FemShep is also a bit much - why the slightly arched back? Out of context, it looks a bit like Shepard's death is being sexualised and fetishised. And why only FemShep? What about if I want a statue of male Shepard limply floating about?

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Liv Ngan
