Apex Legends' Legacy season got off to a popular but rocky start

3 years ago

The much-anticipated Legacy update for Apex Legends arrived last night, and while Apex saw record numbers of Steam players and a huge audience on Twitch, it wasn't exactly a smooth launch. The high demand meant many couldn't get into matches, while players also reported problems with the in-game menus and marketplace.

Legacy went live at 6pm UK last night, but as you can see from the Twitter thread by Respawn below, it took about eight hours for Respawn to iron out all the problems with the servers. Following matchmaking problems across all platforms, the marketplace went down, while some players found that their cosmetic preferences had been reset to default skins. Respawn explained this was a "minor side effect" of a fix, and told players to re-equip their cosmetic items through the menus.

Hilariously, there were some other strange side-effects to all of this in-game, including some extremely low-poly versions of Apex Legends characters. Or is that just the leaked mobile version?

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