Another exquisite Lords of the Fallen gameplay trailer released, PC specs revealed

9 months 2 weeks ago

Hexworks has released an extended gameplay presentation for Lords of the Fallen, and as we have come to expect, it looks exquisite.

The presentation gave us another chance to see the harrowing environments we will be presented with on release. We will be able to explore Axiom, the realm of the living, and Umbral, the realm of the dead.

Each of these realms will have their own enemies, characters, treasures and the like. One example of an enemy in Umbral was a rather unusual head with arms and legs, but no body. This chap is known as a 'Mendacious Visage', and I certainly wouldn't want to meet him on a dark night (although, that is probably exactly what will happen whenever I play the game). There was also another enemy that reminded me of Silent Hill's Pyramid Head.

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Victoria Kennedy
