All 9,000+ items in Animal Crossing: New Horizons' latest update catalogued by dataminers

2 years 7 months ago

Animal Crossing: New Horizons has finally been given a long-awaited - and desperately needed - shot in the arm, courtesy of Nintendo's 2.0 update which, somewhat unexpectedly, arrived earlier today. We already knew it was going to be a big one, of course, but we now have a much clearer idea of just how big it actually is, with data miners having successfully unearthed and catalogued a whopping 9,000+ new items as part of the update.

Granted, a fair few of those items - as datamined by NWPlayer123, Trundler, and VillagerDB, and shared by AnimalCrossingWorld - are colour variations, but even taking those into account, it's still a mammoth set of additions, covering clothing items, furniture, a multitude of different light fixtures, cooking apparatus, and more.

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Matt Wales
