See New FFVII Rebirth Screenshots and Character Renders

3 months ago

See the New FFVII Rebirth Screenshots and Character Renders

Alongside the release of a new trailer and demo, Square Enix also shared an array of FFVII Rebirth screenshots and character renders. These include people allied with Shinra like Rufus and the Turks, former Shinra folks like Cissnei, and allies like Bugenhagen and Zangan.

First, here are all the new FFVII Rebirth character renders. In the case of Rufus and Turks like Tseng, Reno, Rude, and Cissnei, they appear as both full body art and portraits.

Next, we got to see a ton of new FFVII Rebirth official screenshots. They're a mix of images taken from both the demo and full game. There are segments from story scenes, shots of the world, looks at various minigames, and in-battle gameplay clips.

Jenni Lada
