Honkai Impact 3rd 6.2 Release Date Set, Includes Playable Ai-chan

1 year 5 months ago

Honkai Impact 3rd 6.2 Release Date Set, Includes Playable Ai-Chan

HoYoVerse announced the Honkai Impact 3rd 6.2 release date. The next update will appear on December 8, 2022. It already confirmed one new element of it. That is when the Ai Hyperion Λ battlesuit, a playable version of Ai-chan for Honkai Impact 3rd, will debut. It will also mark the appearance of a new The Honkai Salvation Log event and Herrscher of Thunder Character Card.

First, Ai Hyperion Λ: Chrono Navi is an SP MECH battlesuit. She uses a chakram to attack. When she does, her attacks can deal fire damage. Also, as a nod to Ai-chan’s helpful abilities in Honkai Impact 3rd, her playable battlesuit is designed to help support allies with buffs.

As part of the endeavor to help introduce her, there’s an event in which she’s prominently featured. The Honkai Salvation Log involves players working with her to “fix” bugs in the game. You’ll be in digital space with her. Among the rewards for doing so will be the Spectral Raven Midnight Absinthe outfit for Raven.

Also, as players are still on the moon, there will be other activities and rewards. Both Iron Mirage and Remains of the Old World will involve exploring. It can also mean earning the Herrscher of Thunder Character Card shown below.
Honkai Impact 3rd 6.2 Release Date Set, Includes Playable Ai-Chan

Finally, here's the new Honkai Impact 3rd 6.2 release date trailer.

Honkai Impact 3rd is available for the PC and mobile devices, and the release date for 6.2 is December 8, 2022.

The post Honkai Impact 3rd 6.2 Release Date Set, Includes Playable Ai-chan appeared first on Siliconera.

Jenni Lada
