Holo no Suika Now Includes Hololive EN and ID Vtubers

5 months 1 week ago

Holo no Suika Now Includes Hololive EN and ID Vtubers

There’s a new update for the Holo no Suika take on the Watermelon game, and it adds Hololive EN and ID Vtubers. It is immediately accessible online now, provided someone chooses the correct mode.

Once someone starts the game, the new update notice appears. It states that Holo no Suika has a Type C mode that makes its chibis into Hololive EN and ID Vtubers. Gawr Gura is the smallest one here. Combining two Guras gets you a Kureiji Ollie. Two Ollies turn into a Mococo Abyssgard. Two Mococos become an Anya Melfissa. Two Anyas turn into a Vestia Zeta. Two Vestias can combine into a a Hakos Baelz. Two Baelz turn into an Amelia Watson. Two Amelias become a Fuwawa Abyssgard. Two Fuwawas become a Calliope Mori. 

This follows an earlier November 2023 update that made Holo no Suika more accessible to people worldwide. Previously, this fan game was only available in Japanese. However, it now also supports English. Once you open the game, it automatically detects your preferred language.

There is also a limited time event still running in that game. It involves Amane Kanata. One of her is essentially a wild-card orb that can be gradually increased in size and combined with other Vtubers.

Holo no Suika is available on PCs and mobile devices via browsers. The original Suika Game is available worldwide on the Nintendo Switch.

The post Holo no Suika Now Includes Hololive EN and ID Vtubers appeared first on Siliconera.

Jenni Lada
