FFXIV Pandaemonium: Anabaseios Savage Raid Reward Changes Detailed

11 months 3 weeks ago

See FFXIV Pandaemonium: Anabaseios Savage Raid Reward Changes

Once Final Fantasy XIV Letter from the Producer LIVE Part LXXVII got going, Director and Producer Naoki Yoshida and Global Community Producer Toshio “Foxclon” Murouchi offered more specific details about various additions and changes. Among these were updates about Dungeons and Raids. Specifically, they showed off some of the FFXIV Pandaemonium: Anabaseios Raid and went over the Savage reward changes coming in patch 6.4.

The FFXIV Pandaemonium: Anabaseios Savage Raid reward changes all have to do with treasure coffers and the Mythos exchange. In terms of the treasures, you will see less if people completed the Duty before. The announcement noted that if over five people already did it, then you don’t get anything. However, if only between one and four of the players did, then you will still get rewards. There will just be fewer than usual. The slide going over things said that one treasure offer will appear at the end. Yoshida and Foxclon’s slide also noted the following two exact changes:

  • Coffers will not reward duplicate armor pieces for the same slot.
  • Body gear can be earned from Anabaseios: The Eleventh Circle.

The updated Mythos exchange rate can also be seen in the following slide from the showcase.
[gallery columns="1" size="full" ids="962755" link="file"]

Finally, here’s the video clip showing part of the FFXIV Pandaemonium: Anabaseios Raid. It also briefly came up during the official 6.4 trailer.

Final Fantasy XIV is immediately available on PC, PS4, and PS5, and patch 6.4 will release on May 23, 2023.

The post FFXIV Pandaemonium: Anabaseios Savage Raid Reward Changes Detailed appeared first on Siliconera.

Jenni Lada
