Maaya Sakamoto, the voice actress for Aigis, shared some of her thoughts about Persona ahead of the release of Persona 3 Reload. She talked about how she recorded her lines for the remake, as well as what she thinks about her character.
In the interview, she stated that she was worried that she wouldn’t be able to accurately portray Aigis again, since it’d been so many years since she originally voiced her. However, she was able to easily recapture the essence once recording actually started. She was also impressed anew at the story, and thinks that the reason it doesn’t feel outdated even after so many years is because the themes of Persona 3 Reload are so universal. She also states that she’s excited to meet everyone—both new and returning players—as Aigis once more.
At the beginning of the interview, Sakamoto also talked about how recording for the original Persona 3 went. She reminisces that back then, voice actors recorded their lines separately so she had to imagine everyone else’s performances as she gave hers. However, they all recorded together for the drama CD, which came out later, and remembers that they had a really fun time together.
Maaya Sakamoto is a prominent voice actress and singer who has been active since 1992. Aside from her role as Aigis, she voiced Aerith and Lightning in the Final Fantasy series, Jeanne d’Arc in the Fate series, and Ciel in Black Butler. She also performed songs that appear in games and anime, as well as release her own singles.
Persona 3 Reload will come out for the PS4, PS5, Xbox Series X, Xbox One, and Windows PC on February 2, 2024. You can also read Megumi Toyoguchi’s interview here.
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