7.0 FFXIV Next Graphical Update Will Improve Visuals

9 months 2 weeks ago

FFXIV Next Graphic Update Dawntrail 7.0

FFXIV will receive a major graphical update alongside the release of the upcoming Dawntrail expansion. This is the latest major graphical update for the game since its release, radically updating many of the textures, armor, equipment, and characters.

The FFXIV graphical update in the new expansion’s 7.0 update includes updated higher resolution textures and shadows. These will affect all of the races and characters, significantly changing how they look. This includes both the player characters and the NPCs alike.

Hair, skin textures, eyes, and more will improve considerably over the currently existing visuals. In addition, the character’s equipment will feature greater detail, including the materials, giving a cleaner look. The improvements are meant to make everything look better without losing what made them so loved in the first place.


In addition to the characters, areas in the game will feature greater details, shadows, and lighting. This includes not only the new locations in Dawntrail, but also the older environments as well. One of the most significant changes are to the plants in locations like Il Mheg where they will look richer in color and detail.

Other changes include the following:

  • The ability to use two dyes per gear piece
  • Wear eyeglasses as a separate gear piece
  • Furnishing limit increase (after 7.0)

These changes will start with Dawntrail and affect all of the new characters and areas in the expansion. It will expand to the start of the game’s original areas from there and eventually tackle the middle expansions.

Final Fantasy XIV Dawntrail will release for the PS4, PS5, and PC in Summer 2024. The main game is available now.

The post 7.0 FFXIV Next Graphical Update Will Improve Visuals appeared first on Siliconera.

Cody Perez
