Ron Funches' Top 10 Games of 2019

4 years 4 months ago
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Ron Funches is the star of Trolls and you can follow him on Twitter.

Hi! I’m Ron Funches--an excellent comedian, solid actor, and mediocre marine biologist. I’m also an avid gamer who doesn’t work in the industry, so unlike the bigwigs at Giant Bomb I’m not jaded and burnt out enough to make Outer Wilds my game of the year just because it took the good parts of Majora’s Mask and made them less charming. Here are the REAL top 10 games of 2019.

P.S. if you like me please listen to my podcast Gettin' Better and watch Harley Quinn on the DC Universe app!

10. Untitled Goose Game

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Finally, a game where I get to live out my dream of being an asshole goose stealing sandwiches and harassing children. A lovely if slightly frustrating puzzle game. I really enjoyed the non-violent mischief UGG provided. This game really took over the stand up comedy community and made me believe every game needs a dedicated honk button.

9. Lonely Mountains: Downhill

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I’m a big fan of the Trials series and Lonely Mountain Downhill takes the trial and error gameplay and adds a real sense of exploration that makes the game equal parts thrilling and relaxing. It reminded me of riding bikes through Oregon which I really only did a couple times to try to go pick up weed in my teens but that’s neither here nor there. Play this game.

8. Resident Evil 2

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A worthy remake of one of my favorite games of all time. Somehow Capcom made RE2 even scarier and much prettier than ever before. I tend not to put remakes in my top ten but the work done makes this feel almost like a completely new game. I finished it and I hate scary things. It’s that good.

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Baba is You, Flag is Goal, and Ron is frustrated as hell. Probably the most unique game I played all year and the first game that popped to mind when people who didn’t normally play games asked me for a recommendation.

I’ll never finish it and that’s okay.

6. Remnant: From the Ashes

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Remnant is a wonderful game that apparently got its name from a random metal band name generator website. Despite that it turned out to be the surprise of the year. A hectic and difficult co-op third person shooter with amazing enemy designs, level randomizing, and secrets that kept me coming back for more. I can’t wait for a sequel.

Giant Bomb Staff
