LAST DAY: Giant Bomb Premium Is On Sale Now!

3 years 5 months ago
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Wow, 2020, huh? It’s been a heck of a year for a lot of reasons, including the fact that Giant Bomb is no longer part of CBS, America’s Most-Watched Network™ and is now under the umbrella of Red Ventures (jokes yet to be determined). I know people have a lot of questions about all this, and the answer is yes: Giant Bomb Premium remains the best source for your gaming dollar, as determined by professionals (me).

That's right: Until 11/30, you can extend your current membership (or get a new one, or three!) for the low, low price of $35. If you missed our last Premium membership sale, boy do I have news for you! It's been a summer full of fun Premium content, like our explorations in Deep Rock Galactic, singing shanties in Sea Beasts, or watching Brad slowly go insane as he tries his hand at wicked Mario! We finally beat Mass Effect 3! We tore down the studio (and are going to try and build a new one when we can get back to the office!)

This membership sale will last until Monday, November 30th at midnight Pacific Time! You can find out more information here, or just head over here to sign up or click here to extend an existing membership.

Also note that we are having a store-wide merchandise! From today until 11/30, you can take 20% off of all of the merchandise in the store, including our new track suit and Alex ornament!


💣Where's my discount code?! We remove store discount codes from the Yearly Premium membership during sale periods to allow us to offer this membership at a lower price!

💣I'll never give you bastards money! Note that we also now have a free trial system! If you start a free trial during the sale, you should get the sale price when your full membership kicks in, even if that happens after the sale is over.

💣I think I'm in love! Congrats! You should totally get your new soulmate a gift membership to Giant Bomb! Note that gift memberships are full-price during a sale, but you will get an extra few months of time if you buy during the sale. Unfortunately that's the way the new gift sub system works!

💣I renewed at full price! Most renewals during a sale week will go through at the full price with the store code. If you'd prefer to get the sale price, just go ahead and extend your membership during the sale and that'll be that! If you do renew at full price, just email us at and don't use the store code; we can cancel it and refund the difference. It might take a couple of days to get back to you, though!

💣Why all the exclamation points?! I am in the pocket of BIG EXCLAMATION! but their checks haven't cleared yet! Please sign up for Premium so I remain gainfully employed or I might have to see what BIG EMOJI is paying!


If you have any questions about this sale, or have any issues taking advantage of it, please get in touch with us at or via PM to me; that'll get you a much quicker response than any other method of reaching out. We get a high volume of support emails during sales but we'll get back to you as soon as possible! Thanks for subscribing; it really does help us run this little dumb train!

Matt Rorie
