Kenny Omega & Xavier Woods' Top 10 Games of 2019

4 years 4 months ago
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Austin Creed, AKA Xavier Woods, is one third of the seven-time championship winning tag team The New Day. When he's not touring the globe wrestling for thousands of fans, he's also the host of the video game YouTube channel UpUpDownDown. You can find him on Twitter @XavierWoodsPHD.

Kenny Omega is the current AAA Mega Champion, and one of the founding members of All Elite Wrestling, which made its debut in 2019. He's @KennyOmegaManX on Twitter.

Austin: Puddles of sweat filled the room. The stench was thick. The air smelled of hard work, determination, and something not unlike Burger King Whoppers. The temperature was high, and the man inside this room was dripping with perspiration. Even though his Achilles was torn, he worked knowing that it was almost time again, and he had to be ready regardless of injury. It was in that moment he began to circulate his arms in an almost ceremonial manner. His hair and offseason body began to change, while in front of him a portal began to open...

Across the world his opponent sat drinking from a shaker cup on a beach, surrounded by beautiful women from around the globe. One of the women pretended to laugh at a joke just to appease his insurmountable ego. Omega laughed boisterously at his own joke, because he really thought it was THAT funny. With a look of concern, the woman then asks Omega, “Is it time? Needn't you prepare for what's to come?!" Omega replied, “Spare me the formalities, grape peeler, Creed is a broken man. Achilles Heel?! Hah, I say! But we shan't be surprised, fair maiden, as I've always been Creed's Achilles Heel, haven't I???... Get it???" With a wry smile, Kenny looked more than pleased with himself, and the woman, right on cue, laughs again, albeit with a greater level of awkward strain that anyone other than Kenny would easily pick up on.

In that instance, everyone on the beach was knocked backward by what could only be described as a sonic boom. When the cloud of dust dissipated, and the people on the beach began to stir, a portal sat in front of them, and in front of that portal stood Austin Creed. He stood, on both feet, his hair looking as if it were on fire, and the man honestly was just extremely vascular, I mean he looked great, muscles all bulging, greased up, beard was crispy, just--

Kenny: You DO understand that most people's lists are just lists, right?! We gotta get to the point eventually, man!

A: Right right, OK. Austin Creed stood pointing at Omega while everyone else began to frantically flee in fear. Omega stood up and walked towards...

K: Okay my turn! As Kenny walked, he looked like he had a physique straight outta the X-Men cartoon from the 90's. Zero weak points, shredded, noticeable bulge in the speedo, and definitely better looking than Creed. Not to mention he wasn’t even training for this event! But even though--

A: I thought we agreed to get to the point?! If you’re gonna take over narration, then try to at least make it realistic.

K: Don’t you eat pizza covered in BBQ sauce and ice cream with chips in it? Regularly?!?

A: Yeah I do, and I still look this good. So, moving on now...

Kenneth walked towards the portal, both men’s muscles rippling. Creed, without turning his back or taking his eyes off Omega, backed into the portal. As both men passed through, they found themselves in what seemed to be a desolate dark and rundown city. They looked each other in the eyes, and squared up. With their fists clenched...

K: So, I see your little boo-boo healed up quick.

A: Nah I’ve still got a ways to go before I'm fully healed, but this is fantasy, so I’m just writing that I’m healed for now.

K: Since when did you do your own writing...? Anyway, you ready?

A: Well I actually used to write fan fiction on my livejournal...

K: ARE. YOU. Ready?!?

A: Ready!

As the men circled each other, they both heard a sound in the distance. Almost like a stampede. Then, all of a sudden, they were encircled by people in cheap, horrible ninja costumes.

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K: I guess we should pulverize these guys?

A: Totally. But, wait wait wait. Rundown city with cars and trash everywhere, horribly dressed ninja bad guys... Are we on WMAC Masters?!?

K: Oh my god, we are!

A: I’ve been waiting for this all my life! We have to work together to get past this part!

K: So...oh boy...ugh... OK, truce?

A: For now...

As the two men pressed back-to-back, fighting stances readied, Austin looked to Kenny...

A: You wanna say it?

K: No, you can say it, it’s OK.

The garbage ninjas began to close in...

A: Let's both say it

K: Fine...

As the ninjas came within kicking range, Kenny and Austin threw stereo super kicks, which tore the heads off of two ninjas, created dueling 10-foot geysers of blood, and scared at least 30 more of them to literal instant death, while Kenny and Austin screamed the words we've all been dying to hear...

A & K: These are our top 10 games of the year!

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Honorable Mentions

A: Super Mario Maker 2 really caught me this year. Once I finally took the time to understand level building a little bit, I started to have an absolute blast with it. The crazy impossible levels that people posted on Twitter actually made me wanna play it a lot more than I initially wanted to, so hats off to those sadistic humans.

Giant Bomb Staff
