Here's What Won - GOTY 2023

4 months 2 weeks ago
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Now that the finale from the live event in Los Angeles has been secured and uploaded to the site, we now have a (mostly) completed picture of everything from the sixteenth annual Giant Bomb Game of the Year festivities.

Why do I say "mostly"? Well, for one, we still need the second half of each staff member's personal top 10.

Secondly, if you haven't heard, GOTY GUEST LISTS ARE RETURNING THIS YEAR! You should be seeing them pop up on the site during the holiday break. So, stay tuned for that!

Thirdly, the Community GOTY voting will begin on MONDAY! The submission form will go live on the front page at the same time as Game Mess Mornings.

Also, if you want to see a bunch of photos from the live event including many from behind the scenes and after the cameras shut off, you can see those HERE!


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