The Community Spotlight 2021.08.07

2 years 9 months ago

Hello and welcome to the latest edition of the Giant Bomb Community Spotlight! I, @zombiepie, am once again your host as we look back at the latest community-created efforts from the last week. This week, a lot of new stuff hit the site.

VoidBurger will be debuting a new video essay series on the site called "Hot Takeouts" and the first episode will detail why they think the Super Mario Bros. movie should be made "canon" in the Mushroom Kingdom. VoidBurger is good people and you can check out their earlier works on their YouTube account. But, if you want a recommendation, might I suggest their retrospective on Phantasmagoria?

During the 08/03/2021 Bombcast, Jason shared his recent health struggles which culminated in the amputation of one of his toes. As he stated on the Bombcast, he's doing much better now, but here's a community thread sending him good will and thanking him for his return. If you want to share how glad you are he's back, this is the thread for you!

  • As was the case with the previous batch of premium content on the site, all of the aforementioned shows will have their first episodes available to all users both on the site. Moving forward, all subsequent episodes will be only available to premium subscribers.
  • The situation with Swedbank refusing to process payments for Giant Bomb has not improved. If you are affected by this, reach out to and Rorie will assist in trying to get you an alternate method of payment.
  • Speaking of Rorie, he recently guested on a movie and film podcast, "Defending Your Movie" wherein they discussed their time editing Screened, Giant Bomb's former movie-based sister site.
  • Five old t-shirt designs have returned to the Giant Bomb Emporium! The situation with Canadian and international shipping continues to be less than great, but check out the store to see what has returned!
Satanic Luchadeer is back, baby!
Satanic Luchadeer is back, baby!


Three Jeffs and a Rorie Poster (By: @mynameisfatmike)

Rorie shared this during the 08/06/2021 Relaxed Stream, but over on Twitter, mynameisfatmike made this poster to show how much they have been enjoying the new content on the site. It is simply amazing stuff.

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Marino - Brad Lynch
