The Community Spotlight 2021.07.31

2 years 9 months ago

Hello and welcome to the latest edition of the Giant Bomb Community Spotlight! I, @zombiepie, am honored to be your host as we look back at the best community-created content on the site!

Well... STUFF IS HAPPENING! This week saw the debut of Guilty Treasures, a video series where Danny researches an obscure game that a Giant Bomb staff member loves and learns as much about it as possible. Here's a link to Episode #1: Target Earth!

The site also announced another show for Giant Bomb! Two Minutes To Late Night, the creators of a wild heavy-metal late-night show, are cooking up a new show for Giant Bomb, and it's coming real soon! They've been producing some other-worldly Bedroom Covers during the pandemic, including a now-ledgendary rendition of Rush's song Anthem. You can read more about it here, in a little publication called Rolling Stone.

We also got the first hint of the series Jeff B will be doing with Lucy James, and Tamoor Hussain. With all of this in mind, let's jump into the site-related housekeeping because there's a lot to review!

  • Remember, Bourne to Run publishes on the site for three weeks then Guilty Treasures airs on the site. Bourne to Run will return shortly.
  • Polls have been non-functional in chat and this has had an impact on different parts of the site. Depending on engineering time, the hope is to get them working by next week.
  • Giant Bomb staff are aware that a large portion of the "We Be Drummin'" streams on YouTube have been hit with copyright claims. For a statement by Rorie, click this link.
  • If you live in Sweden, it looks like Swedbank is refusing to process payments for Giant Bomb and some other gaming sites as of recently. If you are affected by this, reach out to and Rorie will assist in trying to get you an alternate method of payment.


Here's a fun Twitter aside that I wanted to include but need to explain. The Giant Bomb Twitter community helped out another user figure out the game of origin for this arcade panel. If you want to read up on a video game investigative effort, this Tweet thread is a trip.


Pokémon Unite Online Hookup Thread (By: @meant2live218)

Marino - Brad Lynch
