The Community Spotlight 2021.02.20

3 years 2 months ago

Hello everyone and welcome to the latest edition of the Giant Bomb Community Spotlight and I, @zombiepie, am once again honored to be your host as we look back at the best user-generated offerings from the last week! This time we have a little bit of everything for the third week of February! Tweets, blogs, threads, and even admirable wiki pages!

Speaking of user-generated goodness, I was recently made aware that I became the most commented blogger on the site. It's weird to think, and it only took me about thirteen years, but indeed, I am only one of two users on the site with over 10,000 blog comments. Though, @mento has everyone beat when it comes to the number of published blogs on the site by a country mile. Regardless, all hail your new "king," and if you got that classic Giant Bomb forum reference, then good for you. I mention all of this to encourage each of you to keep the written word alive on the site even if the number of comments or views might be discouraging. To write without commendation is as admirable as writing with commendation and the process of jotting down your thoughts and ideas is so liberating. All this meditative musing aside, let's jump into the housekeeping.



Brad: The Mega Cartridge (By: @jearum)

As most of you know, the topic of "the worst boxart" came up jearum decided to make a comeback with this truly magical creation! Taking Brad's "greatest moment" and turning it into a Sega Master System-styled box art!

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What Would It Take To Marry Someone In Every Video Game? (By: @franzlska)

Loving you is easy 'cause it's digital!
Loving you is easy 'cause it's digital!

Here is a MUST READ blog on the site that a lot of people can enjoy! User FRANZlSKA looked at how marriage works in a handful of MMOs and MMORPGs and shares the different approaches each has with showing your love and devotion!

Mega Archive: Part XXVII: From Puyo Puyo to T2: The Arcade Game +

Marino - Brad Lynch
