Black Friday Sale: Take 20% Off All Giant Bomb Merch Until 11/30!

3 years 5 months ago
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Hey, we know that you're a fan of Funko Pops. Your shelves strain under the weight of the 30th Conan O'Brien figurine you obtained this year. The Child will eat those Fish Lady eggs in perpetuity under your watchful eye. The people you bring to your house are frightened by the volume of the "BAZINGAS!" you shout at the Sheldons (both Young and Old) that have pride of place above your mantel. You have problems, frankly, and we're here to help by giving you a wide array of non-Pop items to adorn yourself (and your holiday greenery!) with.

That's right, folks, from now until next Monday, November 30th, everything at is 20% off, including our brand-new Giant Bomb Tracksuit and Alexis Alexander Navarro holiday ornament! Whether you're yelling "BLYAT" at your enemies in Escape from Tarkov or simply turning on the webcams for your socially-distant Thanksgiving, the Giant Bomb store has something for everyone. (Note that the tracksuit is a pre-order and will ship later in December!)

In addition to the new shirt, you'll also save bunches on hats! Drink long and deep from our glassware! Cover your cold body with a range of hoodies! And, of course, SHIRTS SHIRTS SHIRTS

Don't forget that Premium memberships are on sale all week long as well!

Matt Rorie
