You Can Win A Chance To Become A Trainer In Pokemon Go

3 years 4 months ago

Have you fantasized about becoming a trainer in Pokemon? Well here's your chance: Niantic wants to cast players' Trainer avatars as Trainer NPCs during the Pokemon Go Tour: Kanto event. If selected, other players will be able to challenge and battle your Trainer.

Niantic will choose candidates through a competition. You can enter by posting on Twitter before January 11, 11:59 PM PT. The post must include the following elements: a Trainer profile screenshot showing the avatar's full name and outfit, a list of three Pokemon you'd want on your team, and the hashtag #PokemonGOTourContest. There are restrictions on which Pokemon you can include: They must be originally from the Kanto region and cannot include Ditto, or any Legendary or Mythical Pokemon.

Niantic will evaluate submissions based on "creativity of avatar outfit, general theme, Pokemon team composition." Each person can only enter the competition once, and eight winners will be selected. Niantic will inform winners through Twitter DMs around January 18.

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Jenny Zheng
