Why Nier Replicant Isn't A Remaster, According To The Devs

4 years ago

In late March, Square-Enix held a lengthy livestream where they revealed Nier Replicant ver. 1.22474487139, which they're calling an "upgraded version" of the original Nier for PS4, Xbox One, and PC. In a recent interview with Famitsu, the developers behind this new Replicant upgrade discussed the changes that the new version will bring to the game.

Nier Replicant will feature an entirely new voiceover cast, as well as original and freshly re-recorded songs from the initial release. While the camera work for the cutscenes will remain the same as the first version, the developers have brought in Takahisa Taura of Platinum Games to refine the game's action to be more in line with what fans of the 2017 sequel, Nier: Automata, expect. There's no word yet on a release date.

The original Nier celebrated its 10th anniversary recently. In Japan, the original Nier came out in two different versions: Gestalt, which cast the titular character as an older father figure, and Replicant, which made him a younger, older-brother type. Currently, the only way to play Nier is to buy an expensive physical copy and haul out an Xbox 360 or PS3, so this remake will make it easier for many Automata fans to check out where the series began.

Steven T. Wright
