Summer Games Done Quick Will Be Online-Only In August

3 years 11 months ago

After being postponed several weeks ago, Summer Games Done Quick 2020 will now be an online-only event when it takes place in its new August time slot.

The annual week-long fundraising event traditionally takes place earlier in the summer, but was pushed back to August earlier this year as the effects of COVID-19 became widely apparent. In the weeks following the delay, SGDQ organizers have been monitoring the situation, and ultimately decided that hosting a live, in-person event would not be responsible.

"We would like to thank the community for its patience while we were figuring out the best way to proceed with Summer Games Done Quick 2020," explained Kasumi Yogi, Director of Marketing and Business Development at Games Done Quick. "We're excited to continue showcasing some of the most talented speedrunners in the world while observing best practices to keep everyone safe in the midst of a global pandemic."

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Alessandro Barbosa
