Summer Games Done Quick Postponed Due To COVID-19

4 years 1 month ago

In the ongoing trend of events being postponed due to the global spread of COVID-19, Summer Games Done Quick is being postponed from June until August, with all previous submissions being voided this April.

Citing the threat of the virus, Games Done Quick organizers have made the decision to move the charity speedrunning event to later in the year, with a tentative start date of August 16. The event, should it take place, will continue through August 23. Organizers note that they are continually assessing the situation and monitoring updates from the WHO and CDC, which could impact the event further still.

As a result of the change of dates, all submissions for Summer Games Done Quick are being redone. Participants will need to save their entry data before it is wiped on April 26, with new submissions opening on the same day and remaining open until May 9. Hosts and volunteers will also need to reapply to note their availability for the new dates. The new list of games at the event will be posted on June 6, with a schedule following on June 15.

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Alessandro Barbosa
