Streamers Lament Twitch DMCAs While Mass-Deleting Old Clips

3 years 8 months ago

Last week, a large number of Twitch streamers received a one-size-fits-all DMCA notification from Twitch, telling them that their content had infringed--but not telling them what videos or what songs caused the issue. Twitch then advised streamers to delete all copyrighted content or, if unsure, to purge their whole archive--which is what a number of streamers are now doing.

Streamer DrLupo even went live with "The Purge," a stream showing the utility screen of a third-party tool while it deleted all of his clips with under 5000 views. "Decided to take the safest course of action, because of the DMCA wave, and delete all clips from my channel with less than 5k views," a bot message left on the channel explained. "I'll assess what is left when it's done."

As clips can be created by any user, clearing out an archive can be a big job for streamers. Twitch doesn't have any built-in tools for mass deletion, though third-party workarounds have been created. DrLupo's archive purge took over 14 hours with more than 740,000 clips deleted.

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Hayley Williams
